There are times when you have lots on your plate, but the time available doesn't permit you to do as much as you'd like. You could feel so overwhelmed that your mind can no longer comprehend the situation and feels like giving up. You probably even tried your hardest, but things seem to keep piling on. This scenario calls for you to schedule your tasks. Use time management … [Read more...] about 6 Time-Saving Tips to Help You Get Work Done Faster
5 Popular Strategies You Need to Know to Find Your Life Purpose
Psychologists conclude that meaningful, long-term goals develop throughout our lives, not just in an instant. And goals tied to our purpose motivate us and keep us going. But many of us never figure out our purpose. Some, however, have a concept of what they want but struggle to plan to get there. For others, life feels meaningless and purposeless. They constantly search for … [Read more...] about 5 Popular Strategies You Need to Know to Find Your Life Purpose
4 Powerful Steps We Can All Take to Achieve Personal Fulfillment
We live in an era that dictates that we're not enough and that happiness comes from things external to us. This type of thinking causes us to want more all the time. We feel we have to work harder, pursue more, and acquire more material goods. Unfortunately, this obsession can lead to a lot of stress. Sometimes we can find ourselves so caught up in chasing after something, … [Read more...] about 4 Powerful Steps We Can All Take to Achieve Personal Fulfillment
Why Giving Is Good For You
Anyone can tell that giving helps others. Your gift can offer emotional, financial, and other forms of support to your friends and family or any other recipient when you give. But giving can boost your happiness too. Studies show that charitable actions can positively affect your health and happiness. Giving to others makes you feel good about yourself and helps you feel … [Read more...] about Why Giving Is Good For You
Who Else Wants to Read More Effectively?
With the pandemic keeping families at home the past couple of years, you might think they would be reading more. However, U.S. adults read 2 to 3 fewer books per year than they did between 2001 and 2016, according to a Gallup poll. Another survey by Pew Research found that 23% of Americans didn’t read a single book in 2021, and that figure is even higher for those under age … [Read more...] about Who Else Wants to Read More Effectively?