It’s not easy to motivate ones to go to gym. Just the sight of the same machines, mirrors and muscle-pros can send you into monotony-land and leave you feeling uninspired and uninterested in working out. But take heart – your fitness regimen doesn’t have to be like this! Start reading
By implementing a few changes to your routine, you can start to enjoy going to the gym and spend every moment of your time in it too.
Tips for turning your lackluster gym workout into a rewarding experience
1. Let music invigorate you. Put together a compilation of your favorite tracks and take your MP3 player with you every time you go to the gym. Lose yourself in your music and you’ll be done with your workout before you know it!
* You’ll be surprised how quickly your 20-minute treadmill warm-up will pass if you listen to four of your all-time favorite songs back to back!
* The rhythm of some songs automatically gives an adrenaline rush and pushes you to keep going.
2. Alternate routines and workouts. You’ve probably found that after doing the same routines repetitively for a few weeks, you get pretty tired of them. Working out is just like anything else – it needs variety to be spicy and interesting!
* For example, do a step aerobics class one week and then replace it with a spinning class the following week.
* Memorize your routine and try to do it in the reverse the following week.
* Perform your workouts in front of the mirrors one week and take a break the next. You’ll automatically feel challenged to do the exercises properly when you can’t see your reflection in the mirror.
3. Find a workout partner. Company goes a long way in relieving the monotony of a gym workout. Visiting with a friend can distract you enough to keep you going without paying too much attention to the workout.
4. Set goals and reward yourself. One strategy that can help you to look at your gym workout as beneficial and interesting is setting workout goals that come with rewards. Give yourself achievable workout targets and reward yourself once you’ve hit them.
* For example, if you have a goal to increase your repetitions by 5, plan a reward to give you an incentive to reach this goal. Treat yourself to a new book, movie, or other inexpensive gift when you achieve the goal.
* If you’d like to save up for something more expensive, add to your savings to reward yourself each time you meet a new goal. Set small goals you can easily achieve and add a dollar to the pot for each achievement. It’s exhilarating to see both your savings and your fitness level growing consistently just by meeting these small goals!
* Earn a sweet (low-calorie) treat for working out all muscle groups.
There’s nothing better than a little inspiration to get you involved your gym workout! The minute you start to put more creativity into making it a worthwhile experience, you’ll start to enjoy it. Experiment and discover your own unique ways to make your workout more interesting and motivating. Even the experiments themselves will bring more fun to your workouts.
So don’t give up on the gym – it promises to help you achieve all your fitness goals as long as you stick to it. And with these techniques, you’re bound to enjoy your gym workouts as well!