If daily life was more like the movies, getting a new job would take only about 10 minutes. You just wait for a family member to come along and make you a vice president in their company, or at least give you a chance to start out in the mailroom. In reality, your loved ones may not be in a position to hire you. However, they can still be an excellent source of assistance … [Read more...] about How to Ask Family and Friends for Help with Your Job Search
Anger: What It Is, How to Use It, and How Not to Use It
Anger is part of life. Everyone gets angry sometimes. However, it's crucial to realize that not all emotion is harmful. When you're mad, it's best to assess what's behind your emotion. You can then take steps to eliminate it. Resolving anger is not easy, though. It can also be frustrating, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. But resolving your anger can help you live a … [Read more...] about Anger: What It Is, How to Use It, and How Not to Use It
Ways for New Mothers to Sleep Like A Baby
Sleep is a significant necessity for everyone. After a long tiring day, you look forward to getting relaxed. But motherhood is a little different. As much as you love your baby, chances are you haven't had a proper sleep in weeks. And left unchecked, the sleep deprivation isn't going anywhere. Taking care of your baby is complicated enough on its own. But taking care of your … [Read more...] about Ways for New Mothers to Sleep Like A Baby
3 Ways to Get Along with the People You Work With
There's a good chance you spend more time with co-workers than almost any other person in your life. Thus, you must work as a team and cultivate strong relationships. After all, your team can make the difference between success and failure on a project. Strategies such as building a solid rapport with your co-workers, understanding their personalities, and remaining … [Read more...] about 3 Ways to Get Along with the People You Work With
How To Impress Your Boss In Just A Few Easy Steps
Figuring out how to impress your boss can be tough. On the one hand, you want to capture their attention and make them consider you for any promotions or bonuses you might have coming your way. On the other hand, you don’t want to appear desperate or look like a suck-up to your colleagues. The good news is that it’s definitely possible to capture the attention of any … [Read more...] about How To Impress Your Boss In Just A Few Easy Steps