Many people assume that courage is equal to fearlessness. That thinking is faulty. The truth is, courage involves taking action despite any fear you feel. It is your willingness to act despite any anxiety or worry. To be courageous, it’s important to understand the fear and then refuse to let the fear keep you from taking action. When a person allows fear to take hold, they … [Read more...] about 8 Ways to Grow Courage as an Adult
How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly
There’s a lot to be said for making a series of small changes to your life and taking your time. It’s an effective way of changing your life with a minimal amount of stress. But, what if you’re impatient? What if your life is such a mess that you’re willing to risk being uncomfortable to have a chance of changing your life quickly? In this case, there’s another option. If … [Read more...] about How to Do a Hard Reset to Make Big Changes in Your Life Quickly
Courage – What’s In It For You?
Courage is a curious thing. Those who have it need not have it explained. Those who do not have it don’t understand it at all. Courage is not the absence of fear. Nor is it fearlessness. Nor is it bravery. People with courage have just as much fear as the next person. Osho explains it like this: “In the beginning there is not much difference between the coward and the … [Read more...] about Courage – What’s In It For You?
11 Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
Your comfort zone is, well, comfortable. However, it’s a trap. Nothing new or spectacular happens in that comfortable place. Nothing changes. If you want to grow and experience new things, it’s necessary to move beyond your comfort zone. This is easier said than done. Your brain makes your comfort zone feel good, because it believes that’s where you’re safe. The only way … [Read more...] about 11 Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
Are You Living in Denial? Break Free With These Strategies
Ostriches don’t really bury their heads in the sand. However, that is an apt image for what happens when we try to deny our troubles instead of dealing with them. Denial is a common defense mechanism for avoiding facts that make us uncomfortable. In the short term, it can be constructive if it helps us to gradually come to terms with upsetting news. Troubles arise when … [Read more...] about Are You Living in Denial? Break Free With These Strategies