There are times when you have lots on your plate, but the time available doesn't permit you to do as much as you'd like. You could feel so overwhelmed that your mind can no longer comprehend the situation and feels like giving up. You probably even tried your hardest, but things seem to keep piling on. This scenario calls for you to schedule your tasks. Use time management … [Read more...] about 6 Time-Saving Tips to Help You Get Work Done Faster
5 Principles to Lead With Impact
The pandemic that has engulfed the globe is unprecedented. It has taken the lives of thousands of people and severely affected many more. There is also a heavy burden on the global economy. The current issues bring to light the importance of great leaders. However, instead of panicking, it’s important for leaders to think and consider the long-term. They can take advantage … [Read more...] about 5 Principles to Lead With Impact
How to Make the Most of Limited Resources
Most people feel there are not enough resources to complete work. As a result, they procrastinate. In today's competitive world, it's essential to make the best use of your day. When working in a team, you need to collaborate with others for the best results. However, it would be best if you didn't have to waste too much time on things that aren't your strength – such as … [Read more...] about How to Make the Most of Limited Resources
The Modern Rules for Using Humor as a Leadership Tool
What qualities do you look for in a leader? You’d probably expect them to be powerful, charismatic, and decisive. However, you might overlook the value of being funny. Research shows that humor has many benefits in the workplace, including drawing team members closer together, reducing stress, and increasing productivity. The truth is most employees need a little cheering … [Read more...] about The Modern Rules for Using Humor as a Leadership Tool
Mental Clarity: How to Think Straight and Clear
Getting your thinking straight can help you succeed in every aspect of life. Whether you're trying to write a college research paper, working on a big project at work, or managing the rest of your life, a lack of mental clarity can cause all sorts of challenges. A lack of mental clarity can cause you to feel like your mind is scattered, making it difficult to make a plan. … [Read more...] about Mental Clarity: How to Think Straight and Clear