Reading is such a great habit to possess. Think about all that regular reading can accomplish. Some of the smartest, most successful, and most interesting people in the world have written books. They write down the things they consider to be most relevant. They acquired this knowledge over a lifetime of observation, trial and error, and experience. For $17 or a quick trip … [Read more...] about How to Build a Reading Habit That Will Last a Lifetime
The Frugal Way to a Healthy Diet
Food is a huge expense over your lifetime. Consider that once you start having to buy your own food, you’re generally stuck with that obligation for the rest of your life. If you buy your own food for 50 years, that’s $260,000 if you spend $100 per week. Saving a little money each week adds up to a lot of money over 50+ years! Of course, it’s also important to purchase … [Read more...] about The Frugal Way to a Healthy Diet
11 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier on a Tight Budget
Eating in a way that supports good health doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, healthy food is often less expensive than unhealthy food. Even if you’re on a budget, you can still follow an extremely healthy diet. There’s no reason to resort to unhealthy food just because you’re not flush with cash. Use these techniques to eat well without spending a lot of … [Read more...] about 11 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier on a Tight Budget