Can you answer "How well do you manage your time" with a straight face? Like most people, you probably find it challenging to answer that question. It's better to think about your time as an asset, not as a burdensome thing that you have to figure out how to use. By taking some time to understand how you spend your time, you can begin to make significant steps toward better … [Read more...] about The Worst Time Management Mistakes You’re Probably Making
How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime
You’ve read articles and books about how to develop healthy eating habits. You are trying to create new patterns and already have some eating habits that do not work. You have tried dieting, you are running, or you work out at the gym. You monitor what you eat, probably eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and you are losing some weight. However, you still gain a few pounds … [Read more...] about How to Develop Healthy Habits That Last a Lifetime
5 Ways Motivation Can Make a Difference in Teenage Life
The lives of teenagers are complicated. They are in the process of finding themselves, finding their identities in this world, and trying to better themselves. It is not easy for anyone to do, but teens have it worse because they are still developing mentally and physically. They often need additional motivation for many things in life. Whether they want to get through … [Read more...] about 5 Ways Motivation Can Make a Difference in Teenage Life
Can Minimalism Lighten Your Mood?
There has been a common theme creeping across blogs, websites, and social media platforms in recent years, and all of a sudden, minimalism has become mainstream. Fans and enthusiasts cite a huge number of benefits, but can minimalism really improve your mood? We decided to take a closer look. What is Minimalism? There is no clear, straightforward definition of minimalism. … [Read more...] about Can Minimalism Lighten Your Mood?
How to Improve Your Morning Run
Have you ever wondered how so many people could enjoy going out for a run at the start of each morning? It’s simple. Running early in the morning has a lot of benefits. Not only are you more refreshed and relaxed after getting some exercise, but if you achieve your running goals, you start your day accomplishing something important. This gives you a great confidence … [Read more...] about How to Improve Your Morning Run