Getting your thinking straight can help you succeed in every aspect of life. Whether you're trying to write a college research paper, working on a big project at work, or managing the rest of your life, a lack of mental clarity can cause all sorts of challenges. A lack of mental clarity can cause you to feel like your mind is scattered, making it difficult to make a plan. … [Read more...] about Mental Clarity: How to Think Straight and Clear
5 De-Stressing Tips For Bedtime
Stress is a natural human response. It’s how we protect ourselves from perceived threats and ensure that we’re aware of the world around us. However, stress can also be detrimental to our long-term health. Chronic stress and anxiety lead to serious challenges with your quality of life. The more cortisol you have in your system all the time the more likely you are to struggle … [Read more...] about 5 De-Stressing Tips For Bedtime
Vision Boards: Why They Work and How to Create One
Everyone has heard of a vision board, but many people aren’t entirely clear on what one is or what it can do for them. A vision board is a visualization and reminder tool consisting of images, affirmations, and quotes that can inspire, motivate, and encourage action. Many people find vision boards a useful tool in their quest to be successful and to realize their … [Read more...] about Vision Boards: Why They Work and How to Create One
Is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Keeping You Up?
Revenge bedtime procrastination may sound like an odd phrase. However, it’s a common condition that involves stressful days and sleepless nights. Researchers use it to describe what happens when you voluntarily put off going to bed because you want some time for yourself after a day filled with meeting external expectations. It could mean playing video games and watching … [Read more...] about Is Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Keeping You Up?
11 Tips for Overcoming Laziness
Laziness is frustrating. There are things that you know you should be doing, but you simply don’t feel like doing them. Everyone has been in this situation more than once. A lazy day isn't an issue on occasion, but chronic laziness can cause a lot of short and long-term challenges in your life. Learning to deal with laziness in an effective manner is an important tool in … [Read more...] about 11 Tips for Overcoming Laziness