If you look closely at anything in nature you’ll note how physically big plants for example only consist of a number of smaller parts. It’s the culmination of all the parts that make up the “largeness” that may only become and exist through a process of growth.
We all recognize the much overused cliché of “taking baby
steps” in order to accomplish big things.
Perhaps that’s why so very few individuals apply this
astonishingly powerful principle in their lives. I call
it a principle because it’s absolute and universal.
Tony Robbins frequently discusses the power of making small incremental alterations in our lives. The reason why most individuals never succeed is because in planning on doing too much all together, they never take the beginning step in doing something small.
Incremental gains taps into one of the building blocks of our cosmos called compounding. Modern science attributes the principle of compounding to the very being of our universe.
The precept of compounding merely means that growth is incremental. One becomes 2, 2 becomes 4, 4 becomes 8, 8 become 16 and so forth. This is the way the world “expands” and this is the way your life builds.
If a big tanker sets off on a 5000 mile journey halfway across the world, plainly it wants to take the shortest route by going in a direct line.
Now what if the piloting system wasn’t correctly calibrated? What if his course was off by simply half a degree? The answer is easy: the tanker would wind up at the wrong continent.
The lesson of the story is that we need to truly take charge of the small things for they’re not just important but they’re everything. When it comes to accomplishing our dreams or accomplishing our goals the one very important aspect to keep close to heart is the fact that it only takes one thought to metamorphose everything.
It takes just one little adjustment that over time may have a great outcome in our lives.
In the movie The Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher, this precept is beautifully exemplified. The butterfly effect refers to the knock on effect that’s created in the universe by a butterfly beating its wings.
At the start is appears almost wholly insignificant and trivial, but over time this may actually produce a hurricane or something of great effect by the accumulation of a small effort. It’s the seemingly trivial steps that sooner or later create the substantial leaps in our lives.
We frequently avoid taking the very actions essential to make our lives extraordinary as we see these actions as unimportant. Never undervalue the might of the butterfly effect. Always reinforce your decisions with actions and continue taking action towards what you do want rather than what you fear.
Tony Robbins often discusses the same precept. He calls it “global changes.” Global changes touch on to the effect of making just one alteration that has the might and effect to change a lot of other things at the same time.
The challenge is that this is different for every individual and most individuals “quit” after “bombing” with 2 or 3 attempts. Know this: surrendering and calling something a failure likewise produces a butterfly effect.
Ordered and congruent action towards the accomplishment of any goal is the key to establishing momentum. Every small action collects and builds on the ones before till you produce a snowball that will finally be unstoppable.
It’s likely that whatever challenges you’re currently facing, it could have been headed off by some simple decisions and actions previously.
James Allen remarked that our thoughts are “things” and that our thoughts manifest themselves in our lives through circumstances and consequences.
It’s for this reason that we need to safeguard the doors of our minds for every thought will produce a butterfly effect which at first may seem trivial, but can finally have great results and consequences in your life. Holding negative and destructive thoughts will only serve to fortify this effect.
Don’t ever take the seemingly small things for granted. It all has an effect and it all builds upon past effects to shape and direct our lives.
Utilize your time and your mind wisely and most especially “take positive and constructive action daily towards becoming the sort of individual you ultimately prefer to be.